Suicide Among Public Safety Personnel: A Case-Control Study

Status: Completed
Project Lead: Dr. Simon Hatcher (PI)
Main Research Contact: Brooklyn Ward
Funded By: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)

Public safety personnel (PSP), which include police, fire, paramedics, dispatchers and correctional staff, are chronically exposed to traumatic stress incidents, placing them at increased risk of developing mental health disorders and dying by suicide. However, in spite of this increased risk, data on PSP suicides is minimal.

To address this, we are conducting a chart review of suicides in Ontario from 2014-2018. Using data collected from the Office of the Chief Coroner of Ontario, the main goals of this study are to:

  1. Compare how many PSP died by suicide compared to the general population.

  2. Compare the characteristics of PSP who died by suicide compared to the general population.

  3. Determine whether PSP suicides reported in the media follow the appropriate reporting guidelines.

  4. Compare how PSP suicides are discussed in the media compared to those in the general population.

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